current activities
WCR&HCA priorities
- Collaboratively with the CCA, BCC, CCC, CWF, CME and others, promote Western Canada Trade Gateway and Corridor Initiative objectives with federal government and work to add it to the agenda of the 2023 Council of the Federation.
The WCTG&CI objectives are:
- Support economic revival in Western Canada focusing on returns of lasting value, harnessing the return on investment of trade, and in the process, promote our national security interests.
- A multi-year, sustained national program addressing strategic investment required in Western Canada’s multi-modal, trade transportation network to grow domestic, continental, and international trade.
- Support and leverage investment in existing and new trade gateways and corridors that expand connectivity to international trade; and
- Attract public and private investment in trade-transportation assets.
- Address requisite climate resiliency considerations by implementing sustainable, resilient, and innovative transportation solutions.
- Harness the value of the CWF report ‘From Shovel Ready to Shovel Worthy’ in support of the WCTG&CI.
- Build presence of Western Canadian issues and concerns by effective collaboration with the CCA.
- Support delivery of successful WCR&HCA Conference Feb 5-9, 2023, including a program focus on the WCTG&CI as an important extension of its regional and national advocacy work.
- Develop news distribution strategy to publish WCR&HCA advocacy to better inform members on WCR advocacy initiatives
March 31, 2022
It’s been too long since our associations have been able to meet in person! The WCR&HCA 2023 conference will be held in Hawaii February 5-9, in Waikiki.
Click here for more conference details.
WCR&HCA priorities
- Work with the CCA to advance national investment in trade-transportation infrastructure by:
- Devising a strategy to involve local construction associations in responding to the federal government’s Building the Canada We Want in 2050: Engagement Paper on the National Infrastructure Assessment
- Enabling the heavy construction industry to adapt and innovate for climate resiliency, informed by the CCA report Strength, Resilience, Sustainability – Canada’s construction sector recommendations on adapting to climate change
- Meeting annually with CCA to discuss regional and national advocacy priorities
- Support Western Canada Trade Gateways & Corridors Initiative, to incent public/private trade investment across Western Canada, to advance the region’s and our country’s economic and security interests.
- Our trade gateways and corridors include marine, road, rail and air modes supporting freight and passenger flows of regional and national significance for international commerce. The program objective would be to support economic revival in Western Canada post pandemic, to improve our domestic competitiveness in world markets harnessing the ROI of trade, and in the process, promote our national security interests.
- Plan for WCR&HCA Convention – likely 2023 at earliest
WCR&HCA Required Reading!
Be sure to read the “Committed advocate for economic and industry growth” Report.
The report outlines the priorities for the WCR&HCA, documents past and present accomplishments; and showcases the Association’s history.