WCR&HCA associations
The WCR&HCA is made up of four western Canadian heavy construction associations.
B.C. Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association (BCRB&HCA)
The B.C. Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association (BCRB&HCA) is a non-profit organization that was established in 1966 by twelve founding firms. In 1989, the maintenance sector joined the association’s construction and service and supply sectors in order to provide a single, unified voice for the industry. Since that time, the association has grown to include over 200 members representing a collection of competitive firms engaged daily in all aspects of road building, rehabilitation, heavy construction, highway maintenance and the supply of related goods and services. The association is registered under the Societies Act and is governed by its constitution and by-laws.
THE BCRB&HCA is the recognized advocate for a balanced, safe transportation system and infrastructure development that sustains and promotes provincial economic growth. THE BCRB&HCA communicates strong, clear industry positions and expectations to government at all levels. They provide training, safety awareness, support, fellowship, ethical leadership, and a strong voice for their members.
The BCRB&HCA prides themselves in bringing the industry together to work together to discuss issues, to find solutions to challenges, to maximize business opportunities and to celebrate successes.
Alberta Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association (ARHCA)
The voice of the heavy civil construction industry in Alberta
The Alberta Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association (ARHCA) is the largest heavy construction association in Canada, with more than 850 corporate members, representing approximately 55,000 direct employees. The Association represents contractors who work on the construction and rehabilitation of highways, municipal roads, bridges, sewer and water projects.
The ARHCA supports long-term, stable investment in our transportation infrastructure at the best possible value to the taxpayer. The ARHCA also believes that a strong transportation system is essential to Canada’s future, providing a cost-effective method of moving goods and services to local and world markets, and giving Canadians a safe and efficient way to travel.
Saskatchewan Heavy Construction Association (SHCA)
If something big is happening in the province that’s where you’ll find OUR members working. If the earth moved, it was us!
SHCA members come from all across the province of Saskatchewan and represent companies large and small. The SHCA is a member driven organization with a Board of Directors drawn from the membership, and a President and staff who work with the Board to provide the best representation, advocacy, and services to all members.
The Saskatchewan Heavy Construction Association (formally the Roadbuilder’s Association) was first formed in 1919 to be the voice for members of the heavy civil construction industry, as well as a service center for members to stay current with tender information, technology, standards and regulations and other changes in the industry.
The Saskatchewan Heavy Construction Association is committed to the heavy civil construction industry by improving and enhancing the image of the Association as the voice of the industry within Saskatchewan and broadening the scope of members to represent all aspects of the industry. Through our profile and presence the work the SHCA does directly impacts the decisions of government affecting core infrastructure funding that supports economic growth within the province of Saskatchewan.
Manitoba Heavy Construction Association (MHCA)
Founded in 1943, The Manitoba Heavy Construction Association (MHCA) is the recognized voice of the heavy construction industry in Manitoba. Guided by our vision and mandate we promote sustainable municipal infrastructure development, sustained investment in core infrastructure and seamless, multi-modal transportation systems. The MHCA also runs two safety programs: WORKSAFELY® and WORKFORCE®.
MHCA is a mature and respected association representing the heavy construction and related industries in Manitoba. Our industry provides great jobs and career opportunities affecting an estimated 17,000 Manitobans. It builds Manitoba’s infrastructure, in the process making visible, lasting contributions to the welfare, quality of life and competitiveness of our economy, each benefiting society. We are proud of the contributions we have made, and the credibility, reputation and respect we believe comes to our association and industry by extension.
Canadian Construction Association (CCA)
The WCR&HCA works very closely with the Canadian Construction Association on many policy and communications initiatives that have resulted in significant investment in infrastructure, furthering the WCR&HCA’s commitment to economic and industry growth.